Amethyst Squadron

3000 points1 shipsProtectorate2/1/2025

Difficulty: HARD Amethyst Squadron is a full fleet carrier, equipped to destroy the opponent with overwhelming force. Launch Halberd skiffs and position them to provide bubbles of radar coverage, aiding your teammates and creating space for Barracuda strike fighters to work within. Fighters and bombers lack search radar, and should never advance beyond friendly radar range. Your Barracudas can contest the enemy carrier's craft for void superiority, then re-equip for attacking light warships. Finally, Sturgeon bombers carry torpedoes to crack heavy formations, while also being able re-equip for more sorties with rockets or gunpods when torpedoes run out, or bombs for executing crippled targets. Make sure to escort your Sturgeons with Barracuda wings, and use cover to approach your target. This fleet succeeds under a commander who is always preparing their next move, even as the last one plays out.

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